Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mythical Creatures
Monday, February 09, 2009
Mythical Yarn

Just bought this yarn. It is made by Enchanted Knoll Farm on Etsy. This is a blurb about their lifestyle. I lifestyle I envy. Except for it being cold in Maine. As the BFBFE says, I'm just a little kitty. But OH! I would love to have some Llamas and goats and sheep. Maybe an Alpaca or two, and a Vicuna.
"Our little homestead is solar-powered and nestled into the woods of Maine, where we raise our own sheep, process our own wool, and create a magical mix of colors. We are not certified organic, but raise our flock with the most natural means and much tender loving care. While some of the fiber we produce is grown here on our homestead - some of it is purchased from other sources to be processed, dyed, and made into something beautiful for you by us. You can be sure that everything you buy from us has been made here by the experienced hands of spinners, knitters, a seamstress, and a shepherd."
The colorway is called 'Queen Mermaid'. I wasn't supposed to be buying any yarn. Honestly, I was really trying to be good, but my Goddess!!! Look at it! Have you ever seen something so beautiful? I have bought from them before and been especially happy with the colors, so I am really excited to see this.
In general, I can be good about most things. Art supplies....I'll admit I have a problem with. If I can visualize what I want to make with the goodies, then it's especially hard for me to say "No, wait." It's like saying wait to breathe for a couple weeks. No can do. When I was single it was often a matter between art supplies or food. Surprisingly I can subsist on very little food. Top Ramen is perfectly good. And fast I might add.
The other reason I wasn't able to wait for this yarn for another couple of weeks is that I'm going to be in an upcoming show called Mythical Creatures. I don't think I'm gonna get to dance in it, but I'll need costuming. I'm envisioning a shawl made from this. I want to make a brown leather vest. This yarn will be beautiful next to it. Sigh. Whether anyone else notices, it's important to feel beautiful.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Ok. So I haven't posted to this blog for 2 years. Because, blogger wouldn't let me. I thought it was lost. And so now I thought I was posting to my new blog. Same name, different email. I don't know what is going on. Hopefully this won't get lost again.
New Camera

We got a new camera. Yay. It'll take pictures in low light, which is good for our evening dress-up events. Unfortunately, the BBFE is hiding it. Apparently he feels somewhat territorial about said camera. That said, he is taking some really cool shots. So I figure eventually I'll get to use it.
In the meantime, it would be nice to have an editing program so I can upload pictures of my stuff. Working on that too. See, old computer died with all my stuff on it. Poetry, pictures, programs, music. Basically, my life. This new computer, while it has room for stuff, is pretty bare. I'm not complaining as it's nice to have a computer to surf with, still, it's pretty limited for what I need to do.
Sunday, February 25, 2007

So my creative endeavors lately have been revolving around bellydancing. I've been taking two classes a week since January, and just started rehearsals for the uncoming Tribal Caravan in April. I'm pretty excited actually. More excited than nervous. Our group, the Sisterhood Collective is gonna be huge, so it's not like I'll stick out or anything, but I really like that the women participating will all be different types, body types, ages, ethnicities. We will kind of represent all women, which I think is cool.
I've wanted to dance with a troupe for a long time. I started bellydancing in my early 20's, at least taking classes. But the focus of these classes was Cabaret dancing, and thats a more solo oriented art form. I was never that hot on the idea of being the center of attention, plus my life long fascination/obsession with ethnic cultures/costuming/jewlery and goddess culture made me more inclined to want a dance which was less flash and more folkloric in nature. I couldn't find anyone to teach me that sort of bellydancing back then. Now Tribal Style, or rather American Tribal Style has a following. You can read more about it via that link for FatChanceBellyDance, one of my main inspirations.
You can also see some video of them here; http:// Video I wish was more clear, and in color, but really, one needs to see in person to fully appreciate anyway.
You can also see some video of them here; http:// Video I wish was more clear, and in color, but really, one needs to see in person to fully appreciate anyway.
So thats my journey so far. I'm getting geared up for some sewing, and geared up for bearing my belly. Did I mention that this will be my FIRST public performance? Oy! But I'm gonna have fun!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Well, I have discovered a new store, Stick and Stone Fiberarts, and a new obsession, not too far from home that sells spinning wheels and has classes. Best of all, they'll teach you how to spin for free. I guess if they want to sell more spinning wheels that this is a reasonable expenditure of time and resources. Happy day for me as I've been wanting a spinning wheel since I was little. I know, I was a weird child.
I'm excited as getting a spinning wheel is exactly what will be happening for Christmas, or rather, the Winter Solstice. And I've been going in about once a week to play on their wheels.
The one I picked out is a very simple looking wheel, not too elaborate or decorative. I found it interesting the first day I was in there a man came in looking to buy a wheel simply for decor'. I thought that was a waste, but then I'm a geek.
I plan on joining the spinning guild, probably at the end of the week, and though my BaldGuy and the HO made fun of me, I'm looking forward to meeting some folks with whom I can geek-out with. I make fun of the BaldGuy when he starts talking about his phone with other geeks, so I guess it's only fair that he gets to make fun of me. It was kinda funny.
So my journey with spinning has been a long one. I took a class a 'long time ago' probably sometime in my late 20's to learn to spin. Mostly, we played around with the drop spindle. The woman loaded us with a lot of information, most of which I couldn't use cause there really wasn't anywhere to go to to get more instruction or to decipher a lot of her language. But I retained what I learned about the drop spindle and sometime last year I dug it out and found a local store, (for local people)that sold nice clean, pre-dyed roving. So I got a book and started to re-teach myself. Apparently, not doing too bad of a job, neither. Now I'm ready for a wheel, and pretty much, it's all I can think about right now.
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