Well, I have discovered a new store, Stick and Stone Fiberarts, and a new obsession, not too far from home that sells spinning wheels and has classes. Best of all, they'll teach you how to spin for free. I guess if they want to sell more spinning wheels that this is a reasonable expenditure of time and resources. Happy day for me as I've been wanting a spinning wheel since I was little. I know, I was a weird child.
I'm excited as getting a spinning wheel is exactly what will be happening for Christmas, or rather, the Winter Solstice. And I've been going in about once a week to play on their wheels.
The one I picked out is a very simple looking wheel, not too elaborate or decorative. I found it interesting the first day I was in there a man came in looking to buy a wheel simply for decor'. I thought that was a waste, but then I'm a geek.
I plan on joining the spinning guild, probably at the end of the week, and though my BaldGuy and the HO made fun of me, I'm looking forward to meeting some folks with whom I can geek-out with. I make fun of the BaldGuy when he starts talking about his phone with other geeks, so I guess it's only fair that he gets to make fun of me. It was kinda funny.
So my journey with spinning has been a long one. I took a class a 'long time ago' probably sometime in my late 20's to learn to spin. Mostly, we played around with the drop spindle. The woman loaded us with a lot of information, most of which I couldn't use cause there really wasn't anywhere to go to to get more instruction or to decipher a lot of her language. But I retained what I learned about the drop spindle and sometime last year I dug it out and found a local store, (for local people)that sold nice clean, pre-dyed roving. So I got a book and started to re-teach myself. Apparently, not doing too bad of a job, neither. Now I'm ready for a wheel, and pretty much, it's all I can think about right now.
1 comment:
I don't recall making fun of you...much. >:)>
I'm a geek too, Baby. Trust your technolust, as the kids say.
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